

Drishti is a Prototyped concept, for visually impaired people by which they can feel what’s around them, and read the 2D things by converting them to braille .

Let’s 1st watch the video and then will explain what this is.

How it started and how it ended 

All this started in MIT Design and innovation event in Mumbai, Jan 2014, where some 90+ teams (each team got 4 people) assembled and every one have to implement something new and creative.

I was in “Imagining experience” group , and my mentors were Ermal Dreshaj and Nikhil Naik and special thanks to Anirudh Sharma and Dhruv Jain .

the 1st thing happened to me was to think about the idea and like always I loved it so much like my kid and didn’t wanted to get way from this, and bang my team (Imagining Experience: Team 3) didn’t liked my idea.

After this Thanks to Dhruv who told me if I love my idea then I should work alone 🙂

And I did that can I came up with the prototype, and thanks to my team and every who was there they still helped me, and that’s not just my track even people form other tracks helped me a lot.

Working of this prototype

For every pixel in 2D we got a pin.

There would be 3D camera which is worn by visually impaired person.

Now whatever comes in front of it would be converted into pattern which a visually challenged person can feel (Something similar to that of pin art), and whatever is written in 2D will convert that to Braille.

Pins can be used for getting input too, as explained in the video.

Video Created by: Ishan Gupta

Voice by: Keshav Sharma

Poster for Drishti
